Global Fibre Impact Explorer helps fashion brands understand the environmental risk and impact of their fibre sourcing.

Developed in partnership with WWF, Stella McCartney, and The Textile Exchange, Google’s GFIE app is set to revolutionise the fashion industry’s environmental-impact reporting, helping fashion brands make more sustainable decisions.

The app has now changed hands, having transitioned from Google ownership, to the Textile Exchange, where it will now be expanded upon and tested with some of fashion’s biggest players.



Some UX (wireframing/user flows), UI, Interaction Design


The fashion industry is one of the largest contributors to the global climate and ecological crisis — accounting for up to 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Much of this impact occurs at the raw materials stage of the supply chain, like when cotton is farmed or trees are cut down to create viscose. But when brands source these materials, they often have little to no visibility on the environmental impact of them.


GFIE – or, Global Fibre Impact Explorer – is a web application that leverages the tremendous power of Google Cloud Computing, Google Earth Engine and ‘big data’ to allow fashion suppliers to identify up to 20 different high-risk fibres that can be more sustainably sourced – including synthetics – assessing their regional and global impacts on air pollution, biodiversity, greenhouse gases, water quality and more.

Team & tasks

Team members
2x UXers @ Google
1x UXer @ Beyond
1x Product Designer (myself) @ Beyond
1x Design Director @ Beyond

UX – assisting with wireframing, wire flows, user journeys.
UI of all MVP dashboard/app screens, visual design of landing page (live site has since changed), interaction design.

3.5 months